《Water Science and Engineering》focuses on new concepts, theories, methods, and techniques related to water issues. The published papers cover the latestresearch in the fields of water resources, aquatic environment, water ecology, and water engineering, with emphases placed on the innovation and applicability of science and technology in large-scale hydropower project construction, large river and lake regulation, inter-basin water transfer, hydroelectric energy development, ecological restoration, the development of new materials, and sustainable utilization of water resources.
《Water Science and Engineering》aims to promote international exchange in academic research on water science, and to contribute to theinternationalization progress of Chinese water science as well as the solution of water-related issues.
The journal has an international editorial board consisting of well-known professors and experts in water science and engineering at prominent research institutes and universities around the world. The Editorial Board plays a leading role in guaranteeing high quality of the journal and improving the international influence of the journal.
By now,《Water Science and Engineering》has been accepted by Ei Compendex, Emerging Sources Citation Index, SciVerse Scopus, Chemical Abstracts, ProQuest-CSA, Index Copernicus, Chinese Science Citation Database, Chinese Science Abstracts, China Academic Journals Integrated Online Database, Wanfang Database of China, and VIP Database of China.
《Water Science and Engineering》was awarded the Distinctive Journal of the 1st English-Language Journals of Chinese University.
Requirements for Manuscripts:
1.The submitted manuscripts must be neither published nor under consideration for publication elsewhere.
2.The manuscripts should be written in concise and grammatical English.
3.The manuscripts should be arranged in Word format (paper size B5) with one column according to the paper template (including font, size, line space, etc.).
4.The paper should be organized in the following order: title, author(s), affiliation(s), abstract, key words, introduction, research contents, results, conclusions, acknowledgements, and references.
5.The title is preferred to be limited within 10 substantives. Only the initial of the first word needs to be capitalized, the others be lowercase letters (except proper nouns), and unusual abbreviations should be avoided.
6.Authors’ given names should come before surnames. The initials of given names and all the letters of surnames should be capitalized (e.g. John Quincy ABBOT). For Chinese authors’ names, a hyphen is necessary between two given names (e.g. Cheng-li ZHANG). There should be commas between authors’ names.
7.An abstract of more than 150 words (the title not repeated in the first sentence, and diagrams, formulas and references not included), which gives prominence to the creative ideas, the work’s purposes, methods, major findings, conclusions, etc., and key words (3 to 8 words) should be included in the manuscript.
8.The International System of Units (SI) should be adopted in the manuscript. All units in the text, figures, tables, and calculations should be used consistently.
9.All variables symbolized by single letters should be in italics; standard functions and letters symbolizing constants should be in normal style; and letters symbolizing vectors, tensors, and matrixes should be in bold italics. Each symbol that is presented in the paper for the first time should be defined. Foreign characters in capital form or lowercase form in the text and formulas should be distinguishable. Letters, numbers, and signs used as either superscripts or subscripts should be clearly identified.
10.Figures and tables with proper design should be placed right after where they’re referred to in the text. Each figure or table should have a corresponding title and be numbered consecutively. Three-line tables are required to be used. Iconographs should be drawn by computers in the format of TIF, JPG, or BMP for editing convenience. Variables in figures and tables should be in italics. Units of variables in normal style need to be put in parentheses, e.g. v (m/s).
11.If the paper is sponsored by a fund project or an important subject, please show its title at the bottom of the first page and put the serial number in subsequent parentheses.
12.The author-date system is required to be used for citations in the text and the reference list.
(1)Citations in the text: If an author’s name is cited in the text, the publication year in parenthesis should follow the name of the author, e.g. Stoker (1992). If the results, rather than the name of the author(s), are cited, a. use the author’s name(s) and the publication year(s) in parenthesis for the citation of a publication with two or less authors, e.g. (Stoker, 1992), (Lyn and Goodwin, 1987; Stoker, 1992); b. use the first author’s name followed by “et al.” for the citation of a publication with three or more authors, e.g. (Xie et al., 2004; Stoker, 1992); and c. use a lowercase letter like “a, b, c…” following the year to distinguish the works that are published during the same year by the same author e.g. (Zienkiewicz, 1995a, b, c).
(2)The reference list should consist of all published works referred to in the text, and arranged alphabetically by the authors’ names. All the authors of each reference should be listed. References include books, journals, theses, etc., which are published at home and abroad. The following reference formats are generally used:
Strunk Jr., W., White, E.B., 2000. The Elements of Style, fourth ed. Longman, New York.Mettam, G.R., Adams, L.B., 2009. How to prepare an electronic version of your article. In: Jones, B.S., Smith, R.Z., eds., Introduction to the Electronic Age. E- Publishing Inc., New York, pp. 281–304.
Chopra, A.K., Chakrabarti, P., 1981. Earthquake analysis of concrete gravity dams including dam-water-foundation rock interaction. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 9 (4), 363–383.
3)Conference Proceedings and Symposiums
Berkhoff, J.C.W., 1972. Computation of combined refraction and diffraction. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, 745-747. ASCE, Vancouver.
Granger, R. J., 1997. Comparison of surface and satellite-derived estimates of evapotranspiration using a feedback algorithm. In: Kite, G.W., Pietroniro, A., Schultz, T.J., eds., Applications of Remote Sensing in Hydrology, Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop NHRI Symposium. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, pp. 216–220.
Liu, C.J., 2004. Experimental Study on Unsteady Open-channel Flow and Bed-load Transport Properties. Ph. D. Dissertation. Tsinghua University, Beijing (in Chinese).
5)Others (standards, reports, electronic bulletins, newspapers, and patents)
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你好,请问Water Science and Engineering杂志字数要求最高包括参考文献是多少字呢?是不加参考文献6000字以内呢?还是加上参考文献6000字以内呢?
请问Water Science and Engineering杂志投稿时需要附单位介绍信吗?
9月中旬在投Water Science and Engineering杂志的稿,10月就通知录用啦,速度杠杠的。需要说的是,这本杂志的编辑排版很严格,录用后会有多次排版校对,编排质量很高,编辑工作非常严谨认真,值得赞扬!
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