《Chinese Journal of Polymer Science (CJPS)》 is a monthly journal published in English and sponsored by the Chinese Chemical Society and the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences. CJPS is edited by a distinguished Editorial Board headed by Professor Fosong Wang and supported by an International Advisory Board in which many famous active polymer scientists all over the world are included. The journal was first published in 1983 under the title Polymer Communications and has the current name since 1985.
《Chinese Journal of Polymer Science (CJPS)》is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the timely publication of original research ideas and results in the field of polymer science. The issues may carry regular papers, rapid communications and notes as well as feature articles. As a leading polymer journal in China published in English, CJPS reflects the new achievements obtained in various laboratories of China. CJPS also includes papers submitted by scientists of different countries and regions outside of China, reflecting the international nature of the journal.
1. 所有的投稿均须提供一份图文摘要用于制作图文目录。
图文摘要由一份反映论文最主要的创新点或研究结果的简要文字说明和一个图组成。文字说明长度在50个英文单词以内。图可以是结构图、反应或过程的示意图、实验数据图或照片,可以是论文中用的一张图,也可以是另行制作的。2. 投稿必须由通讯联系人(即知识产权人)在网站注册后登录。所有与稿件相关的信息,将只发给通讯联系人。
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Chinese Journal of Polymer Science杂志审稿较快,14天左右就发回退修,退修之后10天左右再次退修,我吸取上一篇投稿的教训(退修了两次仍未达到要求,退稿了),仔细按照编辑发来的要求修改,顺便提一下,编辑人很好,修改之后很快录用,9个月之后见刊。
Chinese Journal of Polymer Science杂志在同类刊物里面相对比较容易中,审稿有回复,退稿有温度(笔者之前的文章因改动较大,杂志建议退稿之后修改重投),不失为一种选择
等了好几个月,终于收到书了,悬着的心终于放下了,感谢Chinese Journal of Polymer Science杂志编辑部大大,感谢~~感谢
各位学友,这个期刊是不是投稿就会通过初审? 看我很多投稿的朋友说,初审后被拒稿的也很多啊……
Chinese Journal of Polymer Science杂志校稿认真负责,每次打电话都不厌其烦地回答我的不解之处。外审专家的审稿意见也很诚恳详细,对文章帮助很大!杂志质量还是挺不错的。
Chinese Journal of Polymer Science杂志编辑的态度非常认真、和蔼,来回修改了好几次,很快就录用了。国内的顶级杂志,影响力很大,看来我的选择还是没有错的。给你们竖个大拇指。