1992年:Won First Place Prize as an Excellent Academic Journal;
1996年:Awarded First Place Prize as an Elite Journal by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS);
1997年:Won Second Place Prize, National Excellent Science and Technology Journal;
1999年:Won the 1st National Journal Prize of China;
2000年:Awarded the Special Award of “Elite Journal 2000” by the CAS.
2001年:Received the Special Fund for Key Academic Journals from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant received from 2001 to 2012);
2002年:Won the 2nd National Journal Prize of China.Won the One Hundred Outstanding Chinese Academic Periodicals Award (won from 2002 to 2006);
2005年:Won the 3rd National Journal Prize of China.Received the Science Publication Fund, awarded by CAS (grant received in 2005, 2007, and from 2009-2016);
2006年:Named as one of the Top 7 Chinese Science and Technology Journals from 2006-2011 by the China Association for Science and Technology;
2009年:Won the Award of Most Influential Periodical in the Past 60 years in China;
2012年:Won the Project for Enhancing International Impact of China STM Journals.Won the Award of the Highest International Impact Academic Journal of China by CNKI from 2012 to 2016;
2013年:Won Nominated Award of the Third Chinese Government Award for Publishing.Won Top 100 Newspapers and Journals by State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television of China;
2014年:Won the Beauty of Periodicals in China;
2015年:Won Top 100 Newspapers and Journals by State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television of China;
2016年:Won the Project for Enhancing International Impact of China STM Journals,Won the Beauty of Periodicals in China。
五天了还是已发回执状态 什么情况?有人知道么
文章接收速度还可以,我投稿的时间有些尴尬,恰逢是在放假的时候,耽误了一段时间。Journal of Integrative Plant Biology杂志在学术界还是有一定地位,还是不错的。编辑老师也很不错,比较推荐大家投此杂志。
昨天联系了Journal of Integrative Plant Biology杂志,杂志社说我的文章还在初审当中,不知道要什么时候才出结果,好急,菩萨保佑过了,过了
各位学友,这个期刊是不是投稿就会通过初审? 看我很多投稿的朋友说,初审后被拒稿的也很多啊……
请问Journal of Integrative Plant Biology杂志投稿时需要附单位介绍信吗?
等了好几个月,终于收到书了,悬着的心终于放下了,感谢Journal of Integrative Plant Biology杂志编辑部大大,感谢~~感谢